While worldwide people alert at global arming and leader world set concentrates one's attention to pull out taut for seek the way copes with big crisis , from the elder brother, warm up the cherished possession.
Or not are you believe that is the trick is simple and changing format living is tiny world ordinary people type. As a result can help decrease the risk of condition occurrence glass house or the elephant laughs.
F be contused don't be inferior to a brilliant scientist, in free magazine is late on 9 April 2007 have the lead presents delay global warming keep interestingly the points for encourage the conscious takes care the environment extensively to the worldwide by each cough abundantly get into trouble can touch very close and induce apply in the real life not too poor.
Cough abundantly the reed organ sees first in protecting world. Get free from global arming is change the food to fuel in many distances year come to this worldwide scientist exert the time seriously give with the analysis seek the way produces biological fuel from the plant , nature , chase since , corn is the soybean , oil cooks , until garbage leavings , for new choice pays back the energy from oil , which , day by day have only wear away continually down !!
Obviously seen from the movement of energy.
The United States of America ministry , at enhance the budget is double for doing researches to invent biological fuel , especially , and look as if fuel that produce from corn is person who is horn gas will come to the power overtakes the curve more ? Both of money safe in a bag , and be friendly build , The environment will in the future change light new bulb is like to economize be safe electricity bill indoor way popular most of most , although , the countenance of a light bulb C F L at call prevent accustom to indoor us.
That light chopsticks bulb rather strange-looking little. But the efficiency is very thin ! ! , because , help economize the fire has more than light ordinary bulb arrives at 3-5 times , in addition still old the usability long more ago many times , now have choose use a lot of size , both of 26 light size religious routine bulbs 40 religious routine until 100 the religious organize new education investigation is late of manufacture industry institute , gunwale university , discover that , investigation cloth step and bake the cloth drily , eat the energy arrives at 60% of all clothes production and one ordinary T-shirt cause the carbon dioxide 4 almost a kilogram !! may not so as beg you all , give stop cloth investigation irons clothes please Yes!! , but , if want to help protect green world , as a result , can do simple with regulations arrangement washes to iron new clothes , such as , change from cloth investigation with the water warms cold fluently , or collect clothes can give a stack , moderately big before , softly induce wash , type house us , burning power good sunlight sure , only lead clothes suns to take the air drily as its nature may be , do not have to use the clothes dryers , give eat the fire and destroy the environment , very new house correspond harmic nation principle , believe that , 16% of the energy , at use indoor the residence , be formed causing spreading elephant gas , laugh in The United States of America , therefore try to seek free very house new time correspond dharmic nation principle , and wind direction , instead of depend on high-tech Technology all the time , because living like unambitiously pour help energy indoor safe has arrived at 40% add two hand clothes protects the world.
In free magazine is late specify keep that two hand clothes are friendly with the environment more than new clothes , because clothes buying two hand help to avoid using energy consumely from the production and the transportation , cause accident are born spreading carbon dioxide to the atmosphere extremely this age pours help each other a person vacates both of pour scurry in addition still decrease critical hot world !!
Again one safe way abundantly possibly be the arrangement culls to give an officer works near a house most. The fast food is big throughout The United States of America leads this way comes to use effectively !! Instead of diligent person teenager will lose the energy from car driving far comes to work on each day ? We don't seek office branch near a house gives with an officer vacates seem too complicated might aim this time I will look for a job. Especially location near a house only !!
If you are extremely conserve life-size environment then , abandon back big strip suburb house stay in the capital city most urgently !! , because round ton city Tokyo or London regard the zone of world heart green parallel genuine population !! A little city person people will extremely drive a car to work. The majority likes to walk and ride a bicycle or use serve the mass transportation. Which fast and fraught the efficiency more than pay expenses way internet bill.
Changing behaviour new turn to pay value water bill, electricity bill , cellphone value , include other expenses , change internet way will help borrow critical global warming at least help decrease using paper. Which bring about to wood slitting destroy the forest , in addition still help decrease energy wastage from paper both of shipping by plane and a truck this way will save time and money in your bag have seen already decrease garbage quantity down at vacate 1,450 million a ton and limit spreading of elephant gas laughs , year vacate 1.9 million a ton , open a window gains fresh air to replace openning air-conditioner. This easy way and acquainted Thai good the education of The United States of America indicate that 22.7 a tons of the carbon dioxide at spread stay in the air is from residence home try to decrease using energy and destroy the environment with openning window indoor for gains fresh air , instead of open the air-conditioner around the clock , because , nature wind from the outside will make indoor air is cool go up in summer period and warm go up during the winter close the computer when no use this should fight , seriously in every office because , openning computer abandons to keep not only consumed the fire , but cause the pollution. Unless will close abandon the back uses finished already everytime side expert energy saving still advise that closing computer, television, and the utensil, the electricity is other by use hornet button , take a litter , eat indoor fire likes to are unconscious arrive at 75%... a button off only at we want !! Turn off the light when finished the work , not only at noon , or the back quits the work should fight about turning off the light in an office , but office some in the city still begs for something cooperate from an officer turn off the light when work finished. Although, the atmosphere in an office might see to is come dark dim help energy safe times about economize the fire must give the His majesty smokes a queen chips to moderate second England ". Shape is a model worldly between car driving BMW with number mischievous doer breaks off ,cause more global arming. The answer is break off.
From a report of free magazine specify that the industry produces worldwide meat causes spreading gas. The elephant laughs in many atmospheres arrive at 18% quit to consume the meat descedants. There is good air keep breathe in the future. Deny plastic child one bag in each year. Have the plastic bag was produced go out in the market more than 50,000 million a bag and have just 3% of the plastic bag that induce oval the bamboo fish trap comes back to use new again by plastic. Each bag must take time to arrive at involve a wing that digest crumble disappear from the world !! Good way helps each other to fight cancel use the plastic bag will better. Already turn to carry cloth part bag goes to grill follow fiber plants soup comes to mischievous replace. Discharge free bird, take off the suit abandons.
Big company in Japan is saving energy originator , the line is new , with something the green light permits an officer adds ordinary shirt by not wearing the suit and bind free bird come to work during liver broken summer for economize air-conditioner value appear very effective , because the summer preceding an elder brother urges can decrease spreading carbon dioxide to the atmosphere arrive at 71,700 a ton.
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